Wednesday 24 January 2018

All Washed Up!

David Attenborough's recent call to take care of the oceans has really touched a chord with so many people. Some great initiatives caught my eye last week.
Two very local to me - Jo and Ron, who run the lovely Beach Hut Café at Christchurch have stopped using plastic cups, straws and bags, as a direct response to watching Blue Planet. They also give 20p discount to those bringing in refillable cups.
We love stopping in here for a beverage when we have been walking along by Steamer Point.
Meanwhile, a little further along the coast, Peter Hayward, owner of the Noisy Lobster has launched another idea in direct response to watching Blue Planet.
Collect a bucket of beach litter, and you get your coffee free!
I think these two cafés deserve good publicity and patronage, for their efforts.

The third story concerns a family living in Cornwall, the Godbees from PadstowValerie, who describes herself as a 'creative mum' said "I love ...sharing life's experiences with my children, including educating them about the importance of recycling and keeping our beaches clean for the sake of nature." 
The family, includingJensen [6] and Joshua [9] found 'a tidal wave of waste' when they went walking on the nearby beaches.So they regularly collect bin bags of the waste, but select some of it to recycle into pieces of artwork.
They donate these to a local restaurant, who sell them in order to raise money for a Beach Cleaning Project. What a lovely idea...and what a great example to set the younger generation!


  1. I know this is further west than you, but here's another good initiative - not cleaning up beaches, but not using plastic in shops:

  2. These are all fantastic initiatives! I'm very glad to hear about them. I'm getting increasingly tired of people who cant be bothered to recycle. I offered to take home the avocado peel of two colleagues today for the compost and despite there being a metal recycling bin in the staff room, watched of the same colleagues chuck her mackrel tin in the bin. She produces so much plastic waste daily that it makes me really cross. I picked her tin out the bin and washed it up. I then picked 2 plastic bottles out another colleague's bin to take it home to recycle. And these are educated professionals.


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