Saturday 29 September 2012

Of Cabinets And Kings

michael ibsen DNA

This is Michael Ibsen and Turi King. She is a geneticist at the University of Leicester. He is a quietly spoken Canadian-born chap. He works as a cabinet maker in London [where his mother was born] and has been shown to be a descendant of Anne of York, sister of Richard III. Therefore he is giving Turi a DNA swab so she can check if the bones found in the Dig are a genetic match to the King!

Read more here on the BBC website. it will be a few months yet before the test results will be made known. Then [if it is the King] they will hold a belated funeral. I find it all Very Exciting!


  1. And a little weird? Have a great week!

  2. odd place to find a king...under a carpark but really interesting

  3. I have been watching this story with interest too, especially as my daughter chose Richard III to do an investigative project on as part of her A-levels just before the summer.


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