Monday 31 January 2011

My Amazing Village [#2]


Do you think our village Bowls Club has a suit to fit someone my age? I shall have to wait till April to find out. Mind you, my birthday is in April. Not sure about a Birthday Suit for bowling in!


  1. LOL. Do you get the suit just from April to September or can you wear it all year round? And do you want spectators seeing you in it?

    I dunno, between Free-Range Egg-Noodles (hyphens to libnk words on same line of sign) and Free-Running Salt and now Bowling-Suits the world is becoming an every more weird place to live!

  2. I'm on your wavelenght, I read this and immediately thought, but you don't wear suits for bowling!

  3. When I was in seminary I worked for a spell in a very sweet church with a dear associate pastor we all loved. The church gave him a very high-quality suit for his birthday. In all innocence he got up to thank the church for his birthday suit. He never lived it down! ~Liz

  4. Gosh, I think that my birthday suit needs ironing!
    Jane x


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