Sunday 21 November 2010

Celebrating 125[+2] Years Of Great Service[s]

Another busy Sunday…

Church Anniversary, 127 years not out! Guest preacher was Rev Kevin Donaghy. Kevin and his wife Linda were members here before they went to Brazil with the BMS – then they returned and he became a pastor in Bristol. Here they are with their lovely daughter Anna.


It is always good to have the Donaghys with us, real salt-of-the-earth Leicester people, but absolutely radiant with God’s Love.

After the service we had a lunch [thanks Janet, Sue, Moira etc for your hard work organising that] but I did not eat much, or stop long as I was off to the Village Hall for the ‘Adapt Christmas Fayre’


They raised well over £700 – I have yet to hear the final total from Libby who organised it all. The hairclips sold well – but not one pair of baby bootees! There was a gorgeous little pre-term baby in a red and white Santa coat – I ended up giving her the red and white pair of bootees I had made, because they matched her outfit so beautifully. Only about three quarters of my stock went – but it is there for another time.

Attendance generally was encouraging and some people from church came in after lunch and that was good. I was really thrilled as we cleared up by how many of the other helpers said things like ‘I had a nice chat with someone from your church, Angela’ It is really thrilling to feel we are being a positive witness in our community.

People also were telling me they intend coming along to Get In The Picture [now I am panicking I may not have enough helpers!]

I had told myself I was not going to buy anything at the Fayre…but succumbed to this money box


It was just £2 – and I love Routemaster buses- they remind me of London and my darling daughters. Furthermore M&S may be 125+1 years old now, but our church is 125+2 today!

Perhaps I ought to keep this bus for savings for a Special Project. I shall have to think about that one!


  1. Fab post, very interesting. Our church has just celebrated 126 years, so pretty close!

    PS. I've explained the "giving tree" on my blog for you! :)

  2. Wow, great to see the picture of Kevin and Linda. It doesn't seem that long ago that Anna was born! As a kid a remember them coming to tell us about Brasil and always found what they had to say interesting.


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