Thursday 27 August 2009

An Apple A Day...

apple and ginger Here is a picture of James White's Organic Apple and Crushed Ginger Juice.

This was one of the 'extras' the girls arranged to be in our VegBox gift.

We have had it as an accompaniment to dinner last night and lunch today.

I really liked it - the ginger gave a nice kick to the apple, and the flavour was very good. Crisp and fresh. 10/10 I think!

j white ginger and apple



James White make lots of different drinks, you can check them out here



jwhite logo

Steph asked for a report on the box contents. So I guess this is Review #1. Lunch today was a chicken salad including the salad leaves from the box. We couldn't identify them all. They looked pretty, and personally, I thought they tasted OK, but Bob said he was suspicious of some leaves which he thought might have been random weeds!


  1. What a beautiful cushion Angela. And thanks for the tip about the drink. We're always looking for nice non-alcoholic alternatives. x

  2. Organic crushed apple and ginger juice sounds divine. Especially served with random weeds.

    I'm pretty sure all salad greens are weeds in their heart of hearts ...


  3. If the definition of a weed is 'a plant growing where somebody thinks it shouldn't' then doesn't that make all weeds potential salad greens and vice versa?


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